I authorize Frontier Auto & Industrial Supply to charge my credit card as indicated above on an ongoing monthly or per transaction basis as specified above.
It is understood that any credit granted by Frontier Auto & Industrial Supply (herein referred to as “Frontier Auto”) to the above named applicant(s) (herein referred to as the “Customer”) shall be on the following terms and conditions:
1. All accounts are due and payable by the 30th of the following month.
2. A finance charge will be charged to you on any balance outstanding at the end of the month at a rate of 2% per month. Payments will be applied to outstanding finance charges and invoices at the discretion of Frontier Auto.
3. With respect to any sales on credit, the Customer agrees that the amounts payable on or before the due date will be paid by the said due date, and if not paid on or before the said due date, are then deemed to be in default. Default shall include non-payment by the Customer of one invoice or account when due or if the Customer becomes insolvent.
4. Upon default by the Customer, Frontier Auto may, as its option and without restriction to any other of its rights and remedies, declare all accounts with the Customer to be due and payable, stop goods in transit to the Customer and/or take possession of any goods supplied by Frontier Auto to the Customer to the extent it deems necessary to secure payment of all monies due and owing.
5. NSF cheques will be subject to an administrative charge of $25.00 (subject to change without notification).
6. Purchase orders, if used by the Customer, must be provided at the time of purchase.
7. Terms or conditions on the applicants purchase orders will not become part of any sales agreement with Frontier Auto.
8. All returns must be made within 30 days along with copy of invoice and a restocking charge may apply as per return policy.
9. The Customer accepts that Frontier Auto shall not be liable for any damages for any goods supplied to the Customer beyond the price of defective goods supplied and in particular, Frontier Auto will not be responsible for any consequential damages or third party liabilities.
10. The undersigned agrees to pay Frontier Auto costs and expenses, including all legal fees as between a solicitor and his own client incurred in collecting amounts due from the Customer or in enforcing any rights of Frontier Auto hereunder.
11. Failure to comply with these Terms of Credit and Conditions may result in cancellation of credit privileges without notice.
12. Frontier Auto may obtain a consumer report containing personal and/or credit information.
13. Frontier Auto has the authority to share the information contained within this application between all departments and/or divisions of Frontier Auto.
14. This application is subject to approval by Frontier Auto regardless of any other accounts held by the Customer at Frontier Auto or any previous sales made to the Customer by Frontier Auto.
15. The information given in this application is warranted to be true, complete and correct.
16. In resolving any disputes arising out of or relating to these terms of credit and their application and enforcement the parties agree that all disputes shall be determined by the Courts of Alberta and pursuant to the laws of Alberta.